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  • Yukon227
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    • Will do man. Doubt it does though, done a couple deals with the guy before. I have a complete rifle I'd prolly let go if you were interested...
      I have a nice p22 with a bunch of extras im interested in trade for your 1911... email me and let me know if you are interested or not:
      Do you still have the Ruger .41?

      The board won't let me reply to your thread. I guess I don't jabber enough :dunno:
      I don't have a tanto blur in stock, they are on order and it is possible that I might get it today and have in time for the show. Just check with me at the show.
      Yessir....doing well man!! How about you?? I got out of the construction biz a few years ago, training dogs full time now....what you been up to.

      Shoot me a text or give me a call. 317-491-8854
      Thanks for the rep! :D BTW, I've shot surplus corrosive ammo in my AK's. Just clean the bore, gas system, and action with hot soapy water or use an ammonia based window cleaner followed by a coat of CLP. ;)
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