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  • Titanium_Frost
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    • Hey! Hows the family?

      Have you ever heard from the IDPA crew either about the cancellation or a rescheduling? I'm can't believe nothing has been said about any of that.
      when he does the indoor range shoots, he wears ears.... have you watched full auto's videos yet? his reviews are awesome!
      I'm on the South East Side mostly. I wish we had a GOOD indoor range or even a decent public outdoor range. I'm looking at joining RedBrush but I dunno.
      Hey, no worries! If you don't bring any extra ammo don't worry I had a few extra expenditures this week and will probably only be able to shoot the pistol match. I'm just debating on whether or not to shoot my Glock or my new M&P9.
      Fine with me. Anyone that doesn't like it doesn't have to look :D or maybe do a photo album and just post a link? :dunno:
      Thanks for the rep bud! I figured a few of the members might get a good laugh out of that, lol
      No believe it or not I am a attempting to get people to understand if they keep insisting on shoving things down other people throats (Ocing) than the courts are very likely to act on the matter and make it illegal. Many people don't want to see a person walking around with a gun strapped on their hip. To many guys can't seem to respect that though.
      Negative rep you give,negative rep you get. Pretty childish to neg. rep a person for stating their opinion isn't it?
      Ok, so I wasn't smoking TOO much crack and did at least remember somebody mentioning something to that effect! LOL That'll work; it'll give me another month and a half of AK researching LOL I just need to stop buying pistols.
      If I remember reading right they were going to try a carbine/pistol combo match. It may have been on the match result email he sent out; I trashed that one since it wasn't one worth remembering for me! LOL I'll take how well I did on the Texas Star stage but the rest I think I can just forget about!
      Nice! I have heard a lot of people echo what you are saying when you recommend a Romanian AK; I have 2 'wish lists' going at once. First is the AK and I'm hoping to come up with one when I make my trip to Whittaker's. I want to hold one and mess with it for a bit and decide if I want to lay my money on that or get a whole laundry list of stuff I'm been jonesing for. I need a good belt, I'd love to get a Crossbreed Supertuck for my 21 plus a few other *needs* lol
      I thought at the last match they had said something about a shotgun match for March...but of course there is a threat of rain now!

      I'm working at getting that 11-87 all tacticool and then it's on to an AK. Heading to Whittaker's in a couple of weeks so I may have one by the time I come back! I may start bugging you about stuff concerning AK's since I don't know squat about them!
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